오늘은 예성이형 26번째 생일이다.
Today is Yesung hyung’s 26th birthday.나이…좀 많이 먹었네…
He’s gotten..a bit old..형을 처음 봤을때가 내가 중1,2 였는데….
When i first saw him i was in 7th, 8th grade..시간 참 삐르군…ㅜㅠㅜㅎㅎㅎ
Time sure is fast.. ㅜㅠㅜㅎㅎㅎ참 많이 싸우기도 하고 많이 웃기도 하고 즐겁게도 보내고 했는데 이젠 우리 예성형도 다 큰 어른이네~~ㅎㅎㅎ
We fought alot, laughed alot, spent enjoyable times together, now our Yesung hyung is all grown up~~~ ㅎㅎㅎ노래도 잘하고 멋있고 동생들도 많이 아껴주고 …뭐 가끔은 짜증날때도 있지만
He sings well and hes cool he cherishes us dongsaengs… even though he gets mad once in a whileㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우리에겐 없어서는 안될 존재…존재감이 너무 커져 버렸다.
We cant be without his presence…His presence got too big.항상 고맙고 든든하고 가끔은 동생들이 너무 미안해 질때도 많다.
I’m always thankful, youre strong. At times us donsaengs are very sorry too.형..미안하고 항상 고마워!!!ㅎㅎㅎ
Hyung..sorry and always thank you!!! ㅎㅎㅎ앞으로 항상 건강하고 부모님에게 지금 처럼 효도하고 종진이 형으로써 멋진 형 …
From now on always be healthy, be someone who loves his parents like you are now Jongjin hyung-like cool hyung남자가 되길바래!!^^
I hope you become a man!!! ^^*사랑해 형!!!
I love you hyung!!!생 일 축 하 혀~~
Happy Birthday~~대,어,조,얼““““
2009 / 8 / 24 새벽 1시경..~~~
건대 집 앞~~^^
A monument in front of the house ~~^^*He’s saying he hopes yesungs grows up & matures basically.
source : donghae’s cyworld
cr & translation : jeanjellybean5@soompi
aww donghae is such a sweetheart <3
HAHA, I had to take some TIME to find the main guy i.e Yesung.
The first guy i saw was Leeteukie < 3
And then i realised, HUH WHERE IS YESUNG
Then i had to search for it, and i found his tiny face. LOL.
~~~ happy birthday
oh yah, donghae ah, are you saying yesung is immature??
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